PCOS And Sexuality

Can Sexual Health Suffer Due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) affects up to 5-10 percent of women and has a long list of symptoms associated with it, as well as an influencing factor, Insulin Resistance. One little-mentioned issue that can affect women with PCOS is poor sexual health and sexual dysfunction. Most women with PCOS have reported that this condition impacts their sexual relationships and creates less satisfaction. Some of the more common symptoms of PCOS such as weight gain, acne, and male pattern baldness negatively affects sexual health and creates diminished self-esteem, which in turn lessens sexual confidence and arousal.
Sexual dysfunction is a common issue with 40-45 percent of women in general, and the likelihood of these concerns increases with age and the presence of health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes. This means women with PCOS can experience a higher incidence of poor sexual health due to certain appearance-related symptoms and the increased risk of those physical conditions (diabetes and poor cardiovascular health) that cause sexual dysfunction. Add the documented disruption of intimacy experienced by infertile couples, another symptom of PCOS, and poor sexual health is not a surprise. It is however, something that can be addressed and even eliminated with targeted treatment options. Women with PCOS should never hesitate to discuss sexual health concerns with their doctor, and they should follow recommended strategies to address PCOS and factors such as Insulin Resistance to minimize symptoms and improve overall quality of life.
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